Thursday, June 26, 2008

Cousin It and a Rainbow at the Tea Room

Now that would be a title for a children's book, huh? These three items aren't really connected but the title sounded fun in my head so I thought I'd just go with that!

COUSIN IT - Bob got me the coolest birthday present - as usual. After days of pleading with me to give him an idea, he came up with this. It's a tiki hut for our back porch to replace the bowing umbrella! And the extra fun part is that it folds up like a tent to be stored in the dining room where I have affectionately named it Cousin It. I think it bears a striking resemblance. Don't you?

The rainbow picture below isn't as good as I'd hoped but it gives me a chance to tell you about how we saw it which allows us to tell you a little bit about Jason, the other guitarist/vocalist in the summer ICC band. He was coming over for practice and he came running into the house saying RAINBOW, RAINBOW and led us out onto the deck. And there it was. He so wanted to share it with us that he ran up into the house without his guitar. That's a good way to describe Jason. He's just so passionate and he so wants to share his love of Christ. He's crazy and we love him - and his family.

And the Tea Room. Last Saturday my awesome friend Carrie took me for a surprise birthday trip. She had asked for a Saturday morning at Christmas and we just couldn't get it together then. She never did tell me what was in store. She's quite a secret keeper. So we finally rescheduled for Saturday morning for a belated birthday and I headed up to her house. We wove through some back roads and ended up at this cute little house past Seven Fields. Carrie and I were served tea promptly at the 11am bell in a beautifully Victorian setting at a place called The Johnstone House. It was so pretty and feminine and they do treat you like a Queen. The food was delicious and the tea was a real treat. It was just an awesome gift and such a great thing to share between friends. She is such a blessing to work beside and an amazing friend.

These three things are pretty unrelated but they do remind me that I am richly blessed with people in my life that love me. Love me even when I'm not lovable. It's no wonder that the best friends I have in my life - whether old or new or family are the ones with Christ in the center. Some days all I can do is wonder how He does it - and why. I'm so grateful.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Such a Lovely Day

I had quite a day yesterday. Unexpectedly lovely!

When I woke up it was ordinary. Nothing too special planned. Regular day at work and then we were headed to the park for an ICC dinner with a new missions group. 41 kids from North Carolina. God had more than ordinary in mind.

I a-hem "accidentally" (God tweaking your life is not well worded as an accident) called my dad instead of my mom around 10 and found that he was down in Pittsburgh at his new account. He is working on treating the water that is being pumped out of the tunnel they are digging under one of the rivers right in town. His call to the account went real short and he offered to sit at McDonalds and wait for me to be done to have lunch. We got salads at noon and headed over to the park for lunch. His offering to do that was really nice considering some of the feelings I'd had in the last week about people bumping me for other plans. Made me feel special. And we had a great lunch - took some McDonald's to the park and just talked. Just a rare chance to have lunch with my dad. Kept me going for the afternoon.

After work we went straight over to the park for dinner with everyone from church. Bob had COMPLETELY changed his tune on it. Last week when Ami asked him he didn't want to go. Before we left, he said that we might have a lot of fun so I should relax about the things I needed to get done. At Jason's pleading, he brought his guitar so they could play a few songs after eating.
I know I'll never do justice to this moment. I sat on a picnic bench and watched my husband play "How Great is Our God" with Jason and Steve - the leader from North Carolina. I heard 60 plus voices singing at the top of their lungs about the love of their Savior that filled them so much that they had to praise Him. I was overwhelmed with love for my God and love for my husband who loved God and was loving every moment of loving Him. I saw folks walking through North Park turning their heads and then smiling. Maybe they recognized the song. Maybe they appreciated the atmosphere of praise and love that was moving upward like a cloud of smoke. It was a moment I'll never forget. I've dreamed of moments like that. And the God we serve is always good and He gave me that moment and I don't ever want to lose it.

Friday, June 20, 2008

Happy Birthday to me!

Last Saturday was the big 3-8 for me. And amazingly, I still love my birthday. I'll admit that the reason that I love it is that it's the only time of year that it's okay for IT to be about me without guilt. And it was a pretty stellar weekend.

Friday night, our friend Michael came over and cooked us steaks on the grill. And I'm not talking cooked like I would cook. First of all, he waited on both of us - this I did not know what to do with..... He marinated the steak in brown sugar and cinammon - I was skeptical - and wrapped it in bacon. It was superb. Corn on the cob and garlic bread - whereupon I abandoned the carb free life for one fleeting evening. And watermelon. The guy can cut a watermelon like no one I've seen. Anyway - it was fun and I felt special.

Saturday, I finished up the really hard stuff on the garden and then Marianne came over and we just spent the whole rainy afternoon catching up. Bob, Marianne and Dena spent a few hours sitting back in wonder at the year that has been and how the glory belongs to the only Wise god Our Savior. It gives me a shiver what He's done and what He's got planned. And I smiled as I got up and left the room and Bob and Marianne continued to talk about the great things He has done. Only by His grace in answering prayers.

For dinner, I REALLY let go of the rules for eating and we ordered enormo-nachos for dinner. That was my request.

Then Sunday, Mom and Dad came down and spent Father's Day with us. It was awesome. They got to hear Bob and I play in the ICC Worship Band and then listen to Perry Noble preach the message. It was an awesome service and man is HE WILD!!! I was a little bit surprised that Mom and Dad seemed to enjoy it so much - but I love it. And I love that we can share this with them free of judgement or criticism. Again - God. We came home and spent the afternoon talking and swimming and laughing and eating. Uncle Funcle Bill came for a little while too. And know what? Mom got on a raft and ---- are ya ready? ---- she relaxed and just drifted in that raft for longer than I've ever seen her sit. And I got to hug my Daddy on Father's Day.

And that's why I believe in Jesus. My life is so awesomely overflowing with blessings that it doesn't even make sense. 20 years ago, I was making everyone in my family miserable and now I have a life I wouldn't trade with anyone. Thank you, Father.

Haaaaaaaaa - a deep sigh

My garden is finally done-ish. Done with the digging and planting. Still have to clean up mounds of sod and evaluate the need for a bunny fence and of course the watering.... but mostly done. Now the one with the real responsibility is just God with the sun and those delicate little plants to bear some fruit for us. I foresee many tomatos and beans and possibly basil in our future.... :) Once I get it all cleaned up this weekend, I'll post some photos of my little 10x5 baby!

Thursday, June 12, 2008

A Late Summer Garden

Last night I was talking to a neighbor who has tomatoes and peppers planted. She already has blossoms on those plants and I still haven't gotten my plants in the ground. Mostly due to my dread of removing the sod from the area in my backyard. I know a few folks that have rototillers but have yet to figure either a way of getting them here or know that it might be awhile before they can help get it over - as the summer ticks by. So this morning at 6:30am I decided to get my workout the old fashioned way - I started to dig. Oooiiii!!!! What a hard job! I only have the outline cut for the garden and that took about 40 minutes of sweat and gnat inhaling. Not so much fun. But I do feel like I got somewhere. I'm hoping to get up tomorrow and continue and possibly finish up on my birthday and do some planting. I know this garden is going to be a lot of work but I'm finding that I really like it.

Sunday, June 8, 2008


Lately, I've been realizing how many wonderful people God has placed in my life. New friends, old friends, family friends, work friends, church friends. It would never be possible to be as close to all these people if it were not for God. Time, distance, and life often separate us. All of them are a blessing. All teach me lessons that are straight from God. Lessons of grace and love and connection and sharing the love of the One that makes them possible. Lessons of patience and love that are only possible because of the patience and kindness and gentleness that God makes possible because those are not "fruits" that I possess as a child of Adam. I am blessed.

Warm Greetings from Long Ago

On Friday I received an email from a very special person in my life. My parents sent me to Trinity Christian School for second grade more than 30 years ago. I only went there for a year because the ride from Delmont to Wilkinsburg proved rough on my little seven year old self. But that year was very special. I had a wonderful teacher who made each of her students feel so special. Her name was Miss Wilma - well, that's what we were to call her since her very Dutch name would have been difficult for our seven year old tongues to get around. I can honestly say that I remember more about that year than any other year in my elementary education. Units about Japan and Holland and the journeys of Paul. Songs about Jesus and Bible baseball games. And special memories like McDonalds lunches on Tuesdays and one particularly poignant moment where I got in trouble with several other kids and spent some comical moments in the principle's office praying with my classmates that we wouldn't get in trouble for racing around an unsupervised classroom on a winter morning while waiting out a snow delay. What a year. And what a teacher. She collected bells and we once visited her house to look at her piano to buy and I remember seeing one of the bells was one we got her as a teacher's gift. I can't tell you precisely why she was so special but I can say that she loved the Lord and she loved me and this was so evident.

After that year, we exchanged letters regularly. I don't remember the chronology but over the years I was priveledged to learn of her missionary return to Japan, her adoption of a little girl named Sarah, and her battle with cancer. And through it all, she loved the Lord with a passion that I aspired to. She taught me about a relationship with the Savior in that year and in every year after by her very life.

She sent an email telling me that she had been reading this blog and Bob's. And sharing some of the our common studies and even struggles. I read it and was immediately overwhelmed with the gift that God has given me in Ms. Wilma. 30 plus years and He's been in the middle of it all along. What grace.

I'm going to try and dig up a photo I have of the two of us standing outside of the school on one of the final days of my second grade year. I know that I'll not likely see her again until we are home again with Christ. What a homecoming that meeting will be.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Great analogy

My daily devotional the other day was awesome. Beth Moore likened staying in the will of God to learning another language. Fluent though we may seem to bein another language, if we are still thinking in the first language, this is where our head is. Our native tongue is sin and with all we learn, if we are still thinking in our native tongue of sin, divine viewpoint in life is going to escape us. From talking to Carrie, a serious student of German for years as well as a visitor to the country and teacher, I wonder how often she thinks and dreams in German. The times I know that she has, she's been just back from visiting - immersed. I guess that's what we have to be - immersed in Him and His Word to start to make it all comfortable to think with the mind of Christ. Lots of work to do.

Step by Step

Bob and I are taking on a few big adventures this summer. The worship leading has already begun and while it is fun it is a big responsibility - one that both of us take very seriously. In addition, we agreed to lead a Bible Study this summer.

Experiencing God by Henry Blackaby. We got the books and met with the pastors about small group leading last Sunday. This week I've started to look it over. When Tommy mentioned it, he said it would be lifechanging and even the small part I've read already has been great.

Here's what I've been getting already:

Staying in God's will is sometimes about listening to what He tells us to do one step at a time. I've been reminded so many times that it is truly a marathon - not a sprint. Here's a few examples of stories that have already reinforced the idea that this is how you Experience God:

- Elijah was told to go to hide. God didn't say much about the exact hows and whys - He just said go and I will provide. One step at a time.

- Abraham was told to go. Not exactly told where - just that he should obey and would be blessed.

- Moses - again with the go. Go out from Egypt. No street by street TOM-TOM directions.

And mostly that's what I want God to do - give me the whole 5Ws. But if I listen to Him on all the little things, I'll find myself smack dab in the middle of His will. And obedient. And happy. And not worrying - because who can worry when you are looking at your next step. You don't have time to panic about the giant valleys that might be coming.

There was a time in my life when I ABSOLUTELY lived by this. Life was crazy and sad and unstable. I didn't know if my marriage was going to make it and looking ahead was terrifying. I was coming back from the gym on a Saturday morning. I had walked the short way because it was so pretty out and was trying a different way back. I had to climb up this big hill and as I climbed with the loose dirt and tall grass, all I could do was concentrate on one foot at a time. One step and then the other. If I had looked up, I might have gotten overconfident. If I had looked down, nervous. Even side to side would have lost the focus. I just needed to look at my feet and stay focused. And like a whisper, I knew that the Spirit was teaching me. I needed to stop worrying about the past and the future and just focus on God - on the getting through the next minute.

And now years later, I am learning that He wants me to do that not just during the hard times, but ALL THE TIME. This is the path to the hope and peace that I am desperately seeking. If I learn to do this, I know He'll give me the cue to sometimes turn around and sit down on that hill and enjoy the view - without the worry and without the stress and the overconfidence. Because I bet when I am able to look out from the place where my steps have been led, I will see that I have been walking in the beautiful path of His Grace all along!


As we go into the another hockey night, I have to confess that Monday night's win was another that reinforced that I am poser. When Detroit scored in the third period to go ahead and the pace of the game started to reach a furious level, I bailed like any fairweather fan who's bedtime had arrived. Another greatest game in NHL Stanley Cup history - blah, blah, blah. So tonight, I'm thinking I actually should NOT watch. They should definitely win.