Thursday, June 12, 2008

A Late Summer Garden

Last night I was talking to a neighbor who has tomatoes and peppers planted. She already has blossoms on those plants and I still haven't gotten my plants in the ground. Mostly due to my dread of removing the sod from the area in my backyard. I know a few folks that have rototillers but have yet to figure either a way of getting them here or know that it might be awhile before they can help get it over - as the summer ticks by. So this morning at 6:30am I decided to get my workout the old fashioned way - I started to dig. Oooiiii!!!! What a hard job! I only have the outline cut for the garden and that took about 40 minutes of sweat and gnat inhaling. Not so much fun. But I do feel like I got somewhere. I'm hoping to get up tomorrow and continue and possibly finish up on my birthday and do some planting. I know this garden is going to be a lot of work but I'm finding that I really like it.

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