Sunday, January 25, 2009


There have been some moments in my life where I have felt very pressed to forgive. The Holy Spirit has picked me up by my collar and dragged me to some issues that I didn't really want to deal with. Now is one such time. This is a long ago scar that seems to be throbbing a bit right now and I keep feeling like I need to forgive this person for the betrayal - betrayal which in fact impacts even forgiveness with people in my life right now. I'll be praying about how I'm supposed to do this. That part isn't so clear. My life has moved on since that time and there will never be a time nor will it ever be appropriate for me to tell this person that I'm sorry for the part I played and that I forgive them too..... I want to be able to say it. But part of me is still holding onto the need to hear an I'm sorry from them. I have to let it go. It bothers me more than it should and I know that God is the only one who can help. It wouldn't make sense to anyone else.......

1 comment:

God's Girl said...

I am so sorry for the pain you are going through. I can hear it through your words.

Forgiveness is only possible with Jesus. The more we see how much He has forgiven us, the more we can forgive those who have hurt and wronged us. Forgiveness is not dependent upon the other person's actions. It is all about Jesus!

I will pray for you as you seek the Lord for the strength to forgive. It is a process, but the Lord will give you the strength you need.

May God's loving arms embrace you and make you feel so secure in His love!

Love to you sweet sister!