Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Prayerfully Heavy Days

Yesterday and today, I have been overwhelmed with the big-ness of the things in life that need prayer:

- Emily emailed yesterday that Nana is mostly unresponsive. She and Nana prayed that last night would be the last night she'd be in pain. I wanted to join them and add Dad and Emily and Aunt Becky to the list. I want to earnestly pray that each day for her.

- Our friend who is so struggling with a marriage and personal demons. That is a fiery furnace - refining at it's most painful.

- A friend who is struggling with a God-sized problem with finances and housing and custody that appears to have no earthly resolution.

But God's also given me this big list of things to pray in gratitude about:

- Due to some staff changes, Bob is now the permanent ICC worship leader. He is stoked about it. No other words to describe the amazing work He is doing in Bob's life.

- Emily shared how she prayed with Molly and Sarah on one occasion and Ben and Grace on another.

- I think I'm starting to understand where I fit in to ICC. God seems to be guiding me to be an encourager. It might be a temporary space but for now, it's working for His plan and His church.

1 comment:

God's Girl said...

Oh... I understand how, in our own perspective, the trials of life can be so overwhelming.

If we can truly grasp that God's ways are higher than our ways... I've been praying for God's eyes in all of the prayer requests that come my way. It is so hard sometimes.

Praying for you blogger friend!