Thursday, August 21, 2008

Piercing Even to the Dividing Assunder of Soul and Spirit...

I can't at this moment recall where that verse is but it was a part of the beginning of every service at Berachah, the church of my youth. And I get what this means in piercing, when I read the list that a new bloggy friend posted of the difference between a proud and broken person. Keep in mind that this isn't offered in judgement but in confession. I am barely even one of the broken things and so easily the proud. If you have a few minutes, it is a long list but it's worth the look in our mirrors....


God's Girl said...

Thanks for sharing... I have to agree about our flesh becoming less as a missionary.

Your heart shines for Jesus!

Anonymous said...

Hey Dena-I finally checked out this blog thing-it's like an online journal that anyone can read. AWesome-how can i get one?

I am a broken man, prideful and want to serve God but I am not at His level. I am holding back too much. I read your friend's blog about prideful/broken people and can't stop crying. I read yours about selfishness and see that I too am that. I am not a Godly man that I think I am. Only He knows for sure what's in my heart- I need to seek Him out and ask for forgiveness. I need to Repent even the small stuff.