Thursday, August 14, 2008

For the Love of Life

I love flowers and plants. Watching them bloom and grow has been a recent hobby and there are some photos that explain why it is such a joy. God has made such beauty and wonder in living things.
The flowers that my friend sent after my visit with her and our friend Caralyn a few weeks back. It was a beautiful surprise!

The gorgeous Hibiscus that Bob's mom got me for my birthday! It's still blooming now - been a couple weeks!

My garden/ pride and joy! What a lot of work but how fruitful! If that isn't a parallel to the spiritual life, I don't know what is. This was taken a couple of weeks ago and since then I've had to unattractively stake up my tomato cages because the shear weight of the plants was pulling them over. The beans are almost done now but the basil is still going to town even after being plucked clean a few times! Can't wait for the gold mine of tomatos that is on it's way!

1 comment:

Susanz Place said...

Hi Dena - love the garden - yes full of rich spiritual paralells - archive my blog on my AVOCADO tree - great spiritual lesson :0)
I came across your blog when looking for some stuff on Jeremy Camp - love his gifted music - i've seen him a couple of times and can't believe the pouring out of the love of God from him - anyway in searching somestuff out, there your blog was - and one of those sweet Jesus moments seeing how likeminded we are - i just love how my Jesus crosses peoples paths - may you have a day abiding greatly in our faithful, loving Lord - and you're right about those tomotoes soon the fruit will be perfect for picking and to share - just like we need to share the fruit from our lives at the right time.
keep chasing righteousness! susan