Friday, May 16, 2008

An Audition of Sorts

Last night my typical list of things to do got bumped for something unusual. Bob has worship band practice tonight and Brandon asked if I would come with tonight so he can hear me sing. ICC has a bit of a worship team conundrum for the summer. All the regulars but Bob are off to the ends of the earth for various summer activities and we are without a backup plan. So Bob suggested that we try and help out - guitar and voice to lead a few fill in weeks. So they want to hear how I sound. Presumably to make sure I don't sound like some of those American Idol wannabes on the first few shows. At first I was kind of backpedaling. I had a momentary lapse in confidence - what if I'm really not very good! It made me nervous and uneasy just to make it almost official. So Bob and I practiced several songs last night and I'm much more comfortable. I'm not saying I sound fantastic but I feel better and I think we could manage. Suffice it to say that he's a better guitar player than I am a singer.

I have to say it's actually kind of cool to work with a guitar. When you want to change key because the song is too low, Bob just capos the guitar and moves it up a half step. Not like a piano where moving it up means you have additional sharps or flats and that changes all the notes and chords. Pretty cool and he can get songs into the range that really works for me!

He really wants to do this which was one of the things that helped me push through the lapse. And he did offer a comment that has made me think a lot since he said it. "I think you need to just let it rip. I think you are too cautious." He's totally right. And it has some pretty far reaching applications - I need to stop being worried about looking bad and just sing my heart out. Say a prayer! I'm gonna belt it out tonight - for better or for worse.

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