Friday, March 14, 2008

A Trip to the Hoosier State

I finally downloaded my pictures from my trip to the Slusser house in Indiana for Emma's birthday! It was an awesome weekend. The drive started out very wintry but was very pleasant for the last four hours or so.

Friday night we saw an awesome concert - Newsboys, Rush of Fools and two other bands. These weren't two of my favorites before the concert but I had such a great time and they put on such a great show! I bought the Rush of Fools CD and book and the band even signed it as a special surprise for Bob!

Saturday the kids caught me up on my movies with Nanny McPhee and Night at the Museum. We opened Emma's gifts and colored for awhile. Generally just enjoyed each others company.

Then Sunday I got to go to their new church. I think they will be happy there and grow in their faith.

I had a chance on Friday to meet Carrie's friend, Megan too. We've been praying for her for months and it was nice to meet her and put a face to our prayers.

All too soon it was over and I was on my way home. I sure wish they lived closer.

1 comment:

megan said...


It was great to meet you as well.. I guess I really didn't realize all the love I have received from total strangers and I guess it never occured to me that there are good people in the world who care for me and prayed for me when I was at the lowest point in my life! It makes me feel so loved to know that even though you have know idea who I was or what was really happening you still prayed for me, hoping for the best to come out of my situation! I just want to thank you so much for that..

It has been exactly a year and some days since I turned my life around and found God and learned that I NEED Him in my life and I am so thankful for that, and only have your sister to thank for that!!!!

I love you all so much and thanks for the prayers!!!

lots of love,