Thursday, November 6, 2008

New Challenges

God has been hard at work this week in our lives. Challenging us to rise above our disappointment in reliance on Him for our future. "For when I am weak, then I am strong." 2Cor 12:10. It's been a theme. Emails exchanged with my awesome family have reinforced that we have been drawn closer to Him in our recognition that He is the God of this country's future.

On a lighter note, God has been chipping away at the rough stone of my health for awhile now and this weekend, it started to look like something. I went to visit Emily to Halloween with Burton, Ohio folk in that picture perfect Norman Rockwell-esque little village (I'll get pics up as soon as I can.) Em got up early to run on the treadmill and it occured to me that a 5K might motivate me to get back to the gym. Emily could run it easy with the duration and speed of her workout. And I could work on it for next year and spend my energy getting ready with a serious goal in mind. And what an awesome thing for the kids to see us do as a family!! Molly and Sarah could even participate and with Mom and Dad on their new walking plan, they might want to. And Carrie's always had running on the brain..... So I'm in!!! I even started a running/walking/jogging online log so I can chart my progress towards our goal races in March and October. Yay! I've come to understand that's how God talks to me. Puts these crazy thoughts in my head at the weirdest times. Like at 7am while sitting on the couch in Emily's basement watching her run:) Gave myself a baseline this morning at the gym. I'm tired and my heels are killing me but I think it's near hysterical that God is trying to make me into a runner :) No one ever said He didn't have a sense of humor!

Say a prayer for my feet when you pray about the country this week and our new leader. May his eyes be opened to wisdom, discernment and accountability.


Mike said...

Check out it has a nice way to go from not running to running. :)

God's Girl said...

Wow! Running. Huh?
That is so good and ambitious. I need to excercise too... but just walking up and down our staircase seems to tire me out. eeeeek!

I have fibromyalgia and I'm praying for enough energy to get through the day. I'm seeing a Natural doctor and hopefully she will help me.

Anyway, have a wonderful evening!!!