Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Iron City Church turns 1!

ICC turned one this weekend and it was an emotional day for me. My life is so different because God brought this church a block down the road from us.

Check out the pictures - double click for the captions.

But as always, He gave us the perfect illustration of the value that His church brings to the world. It isn't about the numbers - although we saw our summer average double this week and a dozen or so new folks. It isn't about how we sounded - although in a quieter chorus we heard the voices of the glorious praise ring above our own. He brought someone into that sanctuary that needed Him. Someone who needed Him desperately at that very moment and might not be in a place to be able to grab on as tight to His outstretched hand. So He sent ICC. He sent Michael with a hug and a listening ear. He sent Ami with a eye for the sadness and ear for the listening and hug for the hurting. Father, you sent your children. And I was a blessed witness to the love that you have for us and that runs over from each of us that you have blessed.

God is doing amazing things at Iron City Church. We aren't filling the seats like some of us wish but He's doing something that far surpasses that. And I don't want to miss that.

Celebrate with us. Christ is being proclaimed.

1 comment:

God's Girl said...

Your church sounds like such a blessing! That is wonderful. We just celebrated 3 years and it has been amazing!

My husband and I moved to AZ from California to start our church and it has been quite an adventure. God is so good!

Have a wonderful Wednesday!