Friday, May 23, 2008

Gas Prices

GULP - gas has officially hit $4 in Western PA this weekend. It is unnerving, to say the least, to watch as the price of absolutely everything goes up when you are already in a major penny pinching mode. It has had me thinking all day - about visits to the family, our tenth anniversary (as yet unplanned), how we can cut any further just to make ends meet, and other family and friends that are either in jobs very vulnerable to this cost increase or in situations with similarly small margins for this kind of budget crunch. Another area of trust and prayer. I am grateful that I work very close to home. I am grateful that we have two tiny cars. I am grateful that Bob's buddy sometimes rides him to the job site. In God all things are possible - loaves and fishes, loaves and fishes.....

Hope that you all are finding ways to cope. If you have any ideas, please share. My newest ideas have been all Aldi's all the time, no junk food, trying to quit smoking and a garden.

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