Friday, April 25, 2008

The Tabernacle completed

Yesterday was our final session in our study of the Tabernacle. I have learned so much about how intricately God has planned every detail. From His heavenly home and the images there He has provided the Garden of Eden, the tabernacle, the temples, and the fullness of Christ so we may know what awaits us when we are home and eventually in eternity. Much like our study of Daniel with Beth Moore, this study was less about us and more about our God and the care He took in each and every detail. WHAT COMFORT!!!

Not too long ago someone (I can't recall who) mentioned that the Word of God is a complete history of thousands of years from Creation to Revelation in such a relatively small book. Our God is a Trinity of relatively few words. This means that every last detail of the Bible has a specific purpose in it's inclusion. To think we only have one short lifetime to understand the layers of meaning to this is an honor with such a current of excitement!

This study helped reinforce that "A Woman's Heart" truly is "God's dwelling place." And as painful as it is to admit, I've not been kind of late to my spiritual heart because my body is out of balance and this was a personal point of wow for me. God gave us fewer rules in the Church Age but gave us the Holy Spirit to guide us through the Christian life. He meant for that guidance to be in all things - not just compartmentalized. That was an honor and a responsibility that was not available to the Old Testament believers in the land of Israel. And in understanding that, I have a responsibility to live it.

God is truly amazing and I am so thankful for the learning and the growing I did through his Word. But in addition, I had the pleasure of growing with a group of women that broadened my perspective and encouraged in prayer beyond my wildest expectations.

June starts a brand new study - When Godly People Do Ungodly Things. Can't wait.

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