Saturday, November 22, 2008

Preparing to be AWFULLY COLD!

Bob and I are getting ready to go to a bonfire.

In November.

And it's about 28 degrees out.

And it doesn't start for another hour.

We're crazy. Our church is crazy and we're still going.

Perhaps the consumming fire of our passion for God will keep us warm. Perhaps we'll hug, smile and say - love you all, gotta go! Pictures of ICC-icles to follow - hopefully. Unless the camera freezes.

Did I mention that our pastor is from the South and has the immune system like a seive?

We'll update - when we thaw out.


Susanz Place said...

i wish i could go - i haven't been to one of those since i lived in montana -
praise God about your new radio station too - I know that I would die without ours here in Cali

God is Good!

keep chasing righteousness!

God's Girl said...

I look forward to seeing your pictures : )

That cold weather sounds so nice about now. It was in the low 80s here. I love this beautiful weather but with Christmas approaching, I love the cold. : )