Wednesday, March 19, 2008

A Piece Fading...

My Christmas Cactus in it’s fruitful days

I don’t want to sound like I’m losing my mind or becoming obsessed or anything but I must share something that’s been happening over the last week. I can’t help but think God’s using it to prepare me.

About a year ago, Mom gave me this beautiful Christmas cactus. If I’m not mistaken, she has had it for awhile but was given it by Nana who insisted that she was killing it. For the last year, it has bloomed profusely. No kidding – for a few weeks in March/April and then since October it has not stopped blooming!!!

Maybe a month ago I notice that a piece of it had fallen off. I actually mentally blamed the cleaning crew – they surely must have bumped it because it was healthy as can be on the outside. Except for one thing - one of the shoots from the soil was starting to get a little woody looking. What would I know about it – looks fine to me! Besides there were still buds on it…..

Then about a week ago, I noticed mid-week that some of the branches were looking a little wilty. I got up and looked closer and the leaves (just on that part) were all dehydrated looking. It’s a succulent and it looked like all the juice was being sucked out. And the woody stem at the base – starting to get crispy. I was a bit heart-brokem. I’ve made sure to water it plenty in case this was due to something I did. But it’s not. I think it’s just dying.

Still blooming. Still buds. And the branches of the other one are all intermingled and sometimes I can almost forget that it’s dying. But it is. And sometime soon, I’ll have to take it out. And then the one that’s healthy will have more room to grow.

Anyway. It makes me a little sad. But I can’t dwell on that because I’ve so enjoyed it while it’s been with me…..

Makes me wonder at how nothing that God does is coincidence.

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