Saturday, December 4, 2010


This week I read a review of Matthew 10:8b "freely you received, freely give" that noted that the word for freely is also translated unreasonably. Unreasonable service. Interesting.

For so much of my early adult life, I didn't get service. I knew I should want to serve out of my love for Jesus but that wasn't where my desire to participate in service projects came from. I thought it would be fun and personally fullfilling and deep down, I knew I'd feel pretty good when I saw how others viewed me.

As my relationship with Christ has grown, serving has certainly felt different. My desire to serve comes from a near urgency to share the overflow in my heart of what God has given me. It is amazing how God has changed my motivations and yet far exceeds the benefits I youthfully and naively calculated.

As we enter a universal season of giving, as Christians, we are challenged to make the giving different. Unreasonable service and giving motivated by an unreasonable grace from our Father. May this be the message we deliver.

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