Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Time for a Change

I know everyone on the planet is saying this but it's about time I make some changes to my health before God makes them for me. I know that God isn't hankering to just be a part of these changes - He's wanting to BE the changes. I don't know how this is going to play out but I will be praying about it and starting to really make the changes to be healthy. The motivation has to come from God. I finally felt better after a Christmas sickness to get back to the idea of working out. I had one disappointment that I can't even bear to write. And another when I caught my profile in the mirror. But I'm not going to get upset. I'm going to God. Praying for the motivation and making healthier choices for eating and exercise as a form of worship. I love you, Jesus and loving you is going to remind me to learn to take care of what you've given me with more responsibility.

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