Friday, April 24, 2009

Northway Girls

Dear ladies of my Beth Moore group,

It has been an amazing journey. In the three years that I have been with the group I have learned far more than what Beth meant to teach. In 2006, I had never been part of a church family and in the next year and a half, I desperately struggled with the good and the bad of close quarters with my royal family members in the studies.

.....I learned to love those that at first I did not love.
.....I learned to see and admit my own faults more readily because of others openess and seeing the same faults in them....
.....I learned to abandon myself to my relationship with Christ by the way these women did.
.....I learned to swallow my pride and accept the authority of the leaders that were placed with us because this was God's will.
.....I learned to love others so deeply that I can't even put it adequately into words.
.....I learned to share what I knew with gentleness and kindness - not defensiveness and frustration.
.....I learned that it's okay not to agree with everything and that some issues just aren't a big enough issue to tackle.
.....I learned that prayer is the most powerful tool we can use to help others.
.....I learned that I can't do this alone. I need people and in the same way, others need me. God designed for me to share - not stuff myself in a closet.

So I walked out the door of the church last night toward a different goal. I will be leading my own study at Iron City Church and developing that family closer to "home." Providing a place where women can come and learn and grow together like that at ICC. But I will try my darnedest to stay in touch with as many of them as possible because, quite honestly, I love them and I know each of them was a gift from heaven.

Thank you, Father for giving me the gift of them.

Daniel 1 and 2
Fruits of the Spirit
The Tabernacle
Psalm of the Ascents

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