Thursday, May 22, 2008

A little prayer...

On Saturday Bob and I headed up to Casa de Clackerino for some work on the house. The stone guys hadn't finished up the side of the house that he needed to put the meter socket on so we were going to hope it was done. They are moving in tomorrow so the clock is ticking. But before we left I walked into the computer room and told him I thought we should pray together before we left and since I prayed on Monday when he had his bad day, it was his turn. He said okay, grabbed my hands and threw one up there. What a blessing. Just being able to type those words when I dreamed of a day that I could pray to my Father with my husband.......

And then later in the day when a number of things went right, we were able to reflect back on that prayer. Okay - so everything didn't go smoothly but in retrospect, it worked out okay. He got on allen wrench stuck on the end of a bolt from the meter socket. It was freakish and weird. I shouted like I had just won the big jackpot when I pulled it out and laughed that what we thought was "wedged" stuck appeared to be more suction stuck. Then he couldn't find where the numnut contractor put this pipe out to the temporary service. They cut it way short of the phone and cable pipes and Bob probably dug for a half hour. He lost his temper pretty handily and then voila'! He found it. Nothing went horribly wrong. Lots went pretty smooth and even those things that didn't, turned out fine in the end......

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