Thursday, March 20, 2008

Real people

I've been slowly realizing something about myself lately. I have long had a problem with authority. I think a lot of it stems from my own insecurity. I don't like to be wrong because I don't like to disappoint people or feel stupid. It's not just work - lately it's been everywhere I turn. Something seems to have boiled up to the surface lately that clearly God wants me to think about and put into practice.

I react the way I do because I presume to think people are thinking less of me. I'm sure part of this is that God wants me to NOT be so insecure - but I'm not quite there yet. However, what seems to really help is finding a way to connect with them as just people. Real people are rarely out to get me or make me feel horrible or humiliate. Every time situations have gotten the best of me, I've been reminded that the people involved don't react that way because of me. They have their own agenda and it rarely involves me. It isn't all about me. And when I'm able to talk with people I've uncovered that their motives or frustrations or just decisions are their own and how they do things is a result of their own baggage, it helps. Sometimes talking with them about something completely personal helps resolve the issue I had trouble with - sometimes not. But at least by the time its all done, I've realized that it really wasn't anything about me.

Sometimes God must shake His head and smile that it takes me so long to get stuff he tells me...... :)

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